Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ms. It

i miSs a lot of thinGs theSe dayS ..
i miSs my childhood friendS ..
thOse mAlayS that i uSed to play with thEm in the mud ..
i think soMe of thEm are in priSon nOw coz' they weRe rEally terrible ..
haha ..
i miSs the little giRl living next to my houSe thAt tOok a chOpper aNd ran toWards me, planning tO kill me ..
i miSs the dAyS my bRother and siSter sittinG togethEr chattinG bOut what we'll goNna bE whEn we gRow uP..
i miSs thoSe fiGhts i had with my cOusin bRothEr ..
i miSs thoSe peOple wHo trEated me badly duRing my childhOod ..
they were the oNeS that cOntributed thE moSt fOr where i'm standinG rigHt now ..
i was onCe an idiot kid whO cant afford to miSs a fight with soMeonE..
i learnt the terrible thingS that reSults from quarrelS and fiGhtinGs from theM ..
i miSs thE siMplicity of my kindErgartEn sChool lifE ..
i miSs hOw my dad used to beat me uP ..
i miSs my kindergaRten teAchEr (Ms.Lim) who clEaned me uP when i poOped in my shOrtS ..
sHe had a toUgh liFe i gueSs coz i cAn recAll thAt she wAs wOrkinG in a linGeriE departmeNt tOo while still being my teacheR ..
i miSs thE veRy firSt hUg frOm my mum aftEr the fiRst day in primary sChool during standard 1 ..
i miSs how i fElt when my mOm gave me my veRy fiRst birthdAy giFt ..
it wAs a bar of cHocolate hidden in her wardrobE ..
i miSs thE smell of a soap i uSed in my fOundation studiEs ..
thE smell can trigger a lot dEep inside me ..
i miSs the very firSt feelinG whEn i fiRst mEt soMeone in seCondary sChool ..
i miSs thOse woRdS that soMeone used to tEll me ...
i miSs thE rEal thinGs in life ..
real thinGs that i exploRed in my old zinc-roof-stable-sized-hOuse ...
real thinGs that i exploRed whEn i fiRst hold heR hand 10 yeArS agO ..
real thinGs that i exploRed whEn my mum whispered in my earS ..
real thinGs that i finally understOod but foRgottEn ...
sOmetimes bad thinGs aRen't that bad ..
bad thinGs taught me how to cherish ..
how to be grateful ..
how to treat ppl better ..
and a lots of 'how to' ..

" i jUst hope i could forget everythinG aNd startS a new lifE "..
*lamE and typical*
but i really felt that way ..
and i'm kinda happy to live until today ..
i've got my 2nd chaNcE ..
haha ..


ypEng said...

and you will miss me too ... haha ..
becoz i TREAT YOU SO GOOD!!! xD

StAn said...

haha..yah miss you la ..
yam cha la wei :D