Thursday, February 26, 2009

siCk suCk

sO SiCk likE Neyo nOw ..
tRyinG tO studY bUt caN't fOcUs ..
tHe mOmeNt i fOcuS my nOsE stArtS tO sQuirt ..
aNd sOmethinG wArm fLowinG tHroUgh my eYeS ..
bUt daMn ...!!
i cAn bLoG !!
juS cOnsuMed 2 pAin-nO-dOl gaVe bY y'pEng ..
thAnkS wEi ..
hoPe it hElpS ..

tHis fRidAy iS sOrt of a D-Day ..
gOt an expEnsiVe littlE tEst ..
10 mArkS kut ..
but siCk cAnt stuDy la ..
bRain iS not wOrkinG wEll ..
thAt's wHy i'm bloGginG nOw ..
bRain iS not wOrkinG wEll ..

OnE tHinG kEep PoPpinG uP in my minD wHen i siCk ..
"timE tO slEep yAnn "
i kEpt anSweRing nO ..
bUt wHo tHe hEll eVeR sAys nO whEn tHe bRain sAys yEs ?
i nEvEr saY nO tO my bRain ..

wHen brain saYs :
"u'Re hUngRy yAnn .."
i will sAy :

"u'Re angRy yAnn .. dOnt lOsE yOuR cOol .. "

"u'Re going tO slEep sOon .. "

"yAnn vEry bOrinG nOw la ..u gOt nOtHinG to dO "

thAt'S hOw i cOmmunicatE with my bRain ..
i sErvE my brAin wEll ..
bUt fOr nOw thE nEtwoRk cOveraGe iS limitEd ..
i nOe whY i'm siCk ..
cOz i kEpt sAyinG nO tO my bRain tHeSe fEw dAyS ..

"doNt tAke FreSh aiR yAnn "

"dOnt dRinK bAk kUt tEh SoUp sO mUch .. "
喂, 叫他加汤 ..

"it'S lAte .. driNk wArm watEr eNougH "
Neh, tEh aiS sAtu !

"u gotta stUdy d NOW.. "

" tiMe tO slEep yAnn"
走啦走啦 。。 去一下回来应该ok啦 。。(EveN tHough fEelinG likE 3 dAyS nOt gEttinG slEep)

"yAnn dOn wU liAo pOst tHis bLog la "

"dOn fOlloW sEn Out d .. u'Re siCk .. "
哈啦哈啦 。。走啦走啦 。。

siCk suCk .. stAy hEalthy gUyS ..

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


从前 。。 (又是从前)
有一只很大只的狗 。。。
名叫啊斌 。。。
身材很猛壮 。。。
男的狗看了怕它 。。。
女的狗看了爱它 。。。
可是 。。
很多狗都不知道它有很小粒的脑 。。。
嗯 。。 
还比眼珠小 。。
但是比红豆大 。。
自己用手比一比啦 。。
每次啊斌大声一吠 。。 
很多狗就逃去躲避了 。。
即使是它打喷嚏 。。
很多狗都会被阿斌吓到漏尿 。。
弄到满街湿湿 。。。
男的也弄湿 。。
女的也弄湿 。。
走路小心啊 。。

就有一天 。。 
阿斌在逛美女时 。。
样子很坏 。。
阿斌看了立刻吠到很猛 。。
人家还以为有人放炮 。。。
原来是阿斌的吠叫声 。。。
它很确定那个人是坏人 。。
十分确定 。。。 好啦 。。。再加十分 。。
二十分地确定 他是个坏人 。。。
它一生除了很确定它是一只狗之外 。。。
都没有其它东西那么确定 。。
怎知陌生人却给了阿斌一根骨头 。。
阿斌看了 。。 就觉得 。。
“唉 。。。 哈哈 。。 我想太多了 。。”
阿斌就衔着骨头 。。
到一个角落去吃 。。。
阿斌吃到第四口时 。。
觉得那骨头还怎好吃耶 。。。
可是 。。
阿斌来不及吃第五口 。。
因为阿斌死了 。。
原来那根骨头被陌生人放了毒 。。
但是阿斌死得开心pun啦 。。

阿斌 。。
“欢迎到人间 。。!!”

不美别见怪 !

Sunday, February 22, 2009

150 trUthS

i'm taGgEd aGaiN .. in fAceBoOk aCtually by eDwiN (pRoNouncEd as ed - dwin ) ..
bUt i gOt No iDea hOw tO pOst tHis tHinG thErE ..
sO hEre'S 150 trUthS ..

Last beverage → 100 plUs ..damn thAt wAs hOurS aGo .. gOtta dRinK sOme wAtEr nOw ..
Last phone call → mUmmY ..
Last text message you message to→ yEw woEn
Last song you listened to → oRiOn by metalliCa
Last time you cried → u mEaN teArS cOminG oUt fRom my eYeS ? 2008 i guEss wHen mY
aUnt diEd oF bReaSt cAncEr ..bUt i dO cry a lot in my hEaRt ..


Dated someone twice →
hMm .. nOpE ..
Been cheated on → wEll .. nOpE ..i guEsS sO ..
Kissed someone & regretted it → nEvEr rEgRet tO kiSs sOmeoNe ..uNleSs a mAle ..

Fallen out of love → mAybE .. mEaninG nOt yEs .. nOt nO ..
Laughed until you cried → nO .. bUt i thiNk i mAde sOme pEople dO thAt ..
Met someone who changed your life → nOnE in tHe pAst mOnth ..
How many people on your top friends do you know in real life? → tOp fRiEndS ?
How many kids do you want to have-- gOtta diScuSs with wiFe fiRst rEally .. and cHeCk ATM..
Do you have any pets → a lUohAn fiSh .. bUt it diEd .. sad rEally .. my VeRy fiRst and lAst pEt ..
Do you want to change your name → givE mE aNothEr 150 rEasOns tO dO sO ..
What time did you wake up today → 2.54pm ..
What were you doing at midnight last night → watChed sCary mOviE 4 aNd wEnt tO mCd ..
Name something you cannot wait for → it wiLL rEmaiN aS MemOriEs ..
What's one thing you wish you could change - thE wOrld ..
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Nah .. weiRd quEstion anywAy ...

What's getting on your nerves right now → shud i gO mCd again cOz sEn iS aSkinG ..
What's your real name → Ku tiAn Le
Elementary/Primary School → SRJK (C) Keat Hwa (K)
Middle/Secondary School --> SMK Keat Hwa 1
Hair color → blaCk bUt sOme sAy it'S dArk bRowN .. my mOm la that oNe ..
Long or short → shOrt ..bUt sOme sAy lOng .. tHeRe aRe aLL sOrts oF pEople oUt thEre u Noe..
Are you a health freak → i dOnt eAt cOloUrful fOod .. sO .. yEs ..
Righty or lefty → 70% riGhty ... 30% leFty .. as in playinG gUitAr .. wAsHinG pEt pEt ..

First surgery → 6 yEarS oLd wHen aN aluMinUm bAr diGs oUt a ChunK oF my fLeSh ..
First piercing → my fEet .. whEn a nail "piErcE" into it .. = =" .. nO i dOn hv any piErcinG .
First best friend → tHiS quEstiOn will mAkeS mE liE ... nO cOmMent ..
First sport you joined → VollEybAll iN my pRimAry sChoOl .. a sUbstitUte fOr sChoOl tEam
First pet → luohAn fiSh .
First vacation → tAipinG .. zOo tAipinG mOre spEcificAlly .. bAck in 1994 ..

Eating → gOing tO if sEn kEep pErsuadinG ..
Drinking → H-O-H
Waiting → sLeEp ..

Want kids? → dEfinitEly.. i loVe kiDs ..
Want to get married?→ YES ! cOz uNfair la i kEep aLL thE lOvE with Me .. ^^
Careers in mind? → a gUitaRiSt oF an All tiMe bAnd .. bUt thAt will bE hAppEninG in my heAd . baC tO reAlity ..i wAnnA gEt mysElf intO tHe pEtrOleUm indUstRy if
pOssibLe ..
Kissed a stranger → hMm .. flyinG kiSs gOt la .. hAhA ..
Drank hard liquor → yEs i Do .. fOr thE puRpoSe oF saviNg watEr aNd gOod bloOd fLow .. XD
Lost glasses/contacts → NevEr haPPeNed tO mE yEt ..
Ran away from home → oNce .. whEn mY dAd chAsEd mE oUt wHen i wAs 7 ..
Broken someone's heart → nO .. i'm a sEnsitiVe and a CarinG pErsOn ..
Been arrested → nO .. but almoSt arrEsted ... yEs .. stUpid thAt tiMe ..
Cried when someone died → yEa, ovEr my aUnt's dEath.. thE rEst i waS tOo yOung to knOw whAt wAs hApPeninG ..

Yourself → yEs .. i'm basiCally a gOd of my oWn ..
Miracles → yEs ..cOz sOmetiMeS wHen hOpeS fAde i dO sEek miRaCleS ..
Love at first sight → yEs fOr the moMent .. tUrninG nO in feW morE yEarS ..
Heaven → nO ..
Santa Clause → fOr whAt ? fReE giftS ? nO!
Kiss on the first date→ jUs a gOodnight kiSs or a mild kiSs .. yea ..
Angels → dO thEy loOks likE my mOm ? iF yEs tHen i'Ve sEen oNe ..

Is there one person you want to be with right now? → yEs
Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → tHiS wOnt hapPen fOrEvEr ..
Do you believe in God? → nO .. hE's nEvEr aVailablE wHen i nEed him ..sO i aSsuMe hE's nOt tHeRe ..

tHosE in my blOg liSt ..yAll aRe tAgGed ... haHa and cEcElia tOo .. and tHomad toO .. latEr sOme tiMe oNly i aDd u gUys in my blOgliSt ..laZy tO dO all tHat nOw .. ^^

Saturday, February 21, 2009

25 rAnDoM tHinGs

oOoOoOo .. my vEry fiRst tAg ..
sO ..tHeSe aRe 25 rAndOm tHinGs ..

1. tHis is So rAndoM ..
2. wHy aM i dOing tHis ?
3. toTally raNdoM ..
4. a Guy sHud tAlk lEsS and dO mOrE ..
5. if dEstiNy iS kinD .. i'Ve gOt tHe rEst oF my miNd ..
6. my liPs .. thEy dOnt kiSs tHe wAy tHey uSed tO ..
7. did sOmeoNe jUst mEntioNed bOut cOndOm ? i hAd it in bEneAth
my mOtoRcyCle sEat bEfoRe my biKe wAs stOleN .. :(
8. u DoN hAve tO jUdgE me cOz nO oNe EvEr jUdgEd tHemselVeS
9. hi CeCeliA !
10. WelcOme tO bloGspOt !
11. wHen a sHip SinKs .. tHe VolUme oF tHe sEa iNCreAsEs ..
12. a gUitAr hAs siX stRinGs .. sOme eVen up To 12 ..
13. wHat dO yOu thiNk oF a gUy wHo pOst 2 bLogS in A siNgle dAy ?
14. rAndOm = iNcOnsistEncY in a wAy tHat .. it'S nOt eVEn foLLowinG
anY sPecifiC ruLe or pattErns
15. tHis is tOo muCh foR mE CeCelia ..maYbe tRy 15 rAndOm tHinGs nEx tiMe ..hAhA
16. dO yOu eVer rEaliSe tHat aCtually tHe cLoud SeedS aRe Argentum Iodide (AgI) ?
17. jUs a gEnEral kNowlEdgE .. whEn yOu lAugH .. u'Re actuAlly lAuGhinG ..
18. iF yOu cAn liCk yOur oWn elbOw .. thEn mAybE u Can tRy oUt jUmpinG oUt oF
yOur bAlcOny wiThout gEttinG killEd ..
19. pPl is fAt wHen tHey aRe with tHe sKinniEs .. tHey Aren't fAt wHen thEy aRe
witH a piG ..
20. WhEn i wAs sMall .. And cHristmAs tReE wAs tAll .. wE uSed tO lOVe wHile oTher
UsEd tO plaY ..
21. i'M gEttinG oLd aNd i DoNt sPeak As mUch liKe bEfoRe .. i'm nOt eNjOyinG tAt mUch
at tHis aGe ..
22. u See .. if a wOodcHuck Could cHuck wOod .. hOw muCh wOod cOuld a wOodcHucK chUck
iF a woOdcHuck coUld cHucK wOod ??
23. iF yOu're frEe .. tRy to miRroR yOursElf aNd sAy .. " hi .. hOw aRe yOu lately ? "
24. i'M almOst finiSh with 25 randOm tHingS ..
25. 25th of DecEmbEr is a dAy wHeRe EvEryoNe iS cElebRatinG cHristmAs ..
but 25th oF eVery mOnth iS a dAy wHerE a pErsOn is aChing pain
aNd nEedS to Go to tHe tOilet .. hEr bElly wOuld sWell a bit aNd hEr faCe wOuld
tUrn a bit pAle .. nO cold dRinkS oN thAt dAy .. :(

i nOw tAg waaatever ... for pain and gain .. iS thIs bloGspot ..SummEr anD tHoSe wHo wantS tO mAke tHis wOrld a bEttEr plAce tO liVe .. pls if yOu gUys aRe tOo fRee liSt oUt yOur 25 rAndOm tHinGs ..

Friday, February 20, 2009

"HoRsE SiX FiRst" TriP

wHy did wE wEnt tO mElaCca ?
tHerE's nO uSe kEep aSkinG wHy aNd tHat's wHy wE wEnt tO mElaCca !
it wAs a "fReEstylE" tRip aNd wE weRe hAvinG a LoT oF fUn ..
hAve u EvEr dRinK a fUll CuP oF chiLLeD cOkE
dUrinG a sCoRchiNg buRninG hOt afTerNooN wHere yOur thrOat wErE pArcHed aNd yOur skiN fEelS liKe gOnNa crAck anytiMe wHeN yOu tOucHed it ?
yEa we hAd thAt "fUll CuP oF chiLLeD cOkE" FuN ..
suh - wEeEeEeEeEet ~~

So tHis iS thE hotEl wE staYed ...
tHe ServiCe wAs aWesOme ..
it'S reAlly cRowded dUrinG midniGht ..
tHerE weRe pEople laUghinG anD chEcking in at niGht ..
haha ..
iF yOu'rE intEreSted pLs visit ..

a driEd bOdy wE fOund in oUr rOom ..
my fRen slicEd it up aNd mAde kEy chAinS fOr uS ..
i gOt tHe hEad pArt ..
sWeEeEet ...

tHis iS tHe hEart oF MelaCca ..
tHe buildiNg is in Red cOz tHey saY pOrtuGis lOveS to eAt 槟榔 ..
aNd wHen thEy tOok OvEr mElaCca tHey sPit 槟榔 eVerYwhEre ...
uNtil tHe wHole ciTy iS staiNed wiTh 槟榔 ..
thE coLouR u sEe is 槟榔 coLouR afTer bEinG chEwEd by PortuGis ..

tHis iS tHe oNly plAcE yOu cAn fiNd a pOrtuGis cAnnoN ..
tHeir cAnnoNs WeRe sHort ..
i wOndEr whEthEr thEir *E*** lOng or sHort ...

*E*** = tEeth

tHe gUy staNdinG taLL bEhind uS wAs sOme sOrt of
a pErSon wHo cAn tAlk tO yOur sOul aNd dRaW yOur ConSciEncE
oUt oF yOur fEeblE minD ..
BeWaRe oF tHis gUy ..
oN thE othEr hAnd ..
tHe 4 sAusAgEs iN fRont oF thAt gUy aRe fRenS
witH eAch otHer aNd aRe sEekinG fOr a bEtteR liFe ..
wE dOnt huRt animAls ..

a gReat ViEw oF thE straitS oF mElaCca ..
that'S thE EyE oF mAlaySia thinGy ..
it sHud bE a PaiR .. cOz oBviOusly ..a pAir oF eYeS .. =="
bUt i cOuldn't fiNd tHe otHer Eye ...
eVen thOugh i aSked a lot of lOcal gOatS ..
tOo bAd i cAnt fiNd tHe otHeR EyE ..
tHe piCtuRe wOuld hAve bEen pErfeCt witH bOth eYeS ..

pLeAsE dO nOt EntEr ..
extRemE sEnsatiOns bEyOnd tHis pOint ..
diLaRang mAsuK ..
sEnsAsi gHaiRah ..
闲人免进 。。
一晚八百 。。

aCtiNg cUte witH mY sExy tEetH ..
wE weRe uP uP uP in the SkY ..
uP a bit .. uP .. up Some moRe ..up up ! soMe mOre! .. cAn u sEe uS??!
gReat mOmEntS spEnt witH yAll gUys ..

lOvely lOvely eVeninG ...
fRom left : cHeE sEng, JiuNn shyAn, KutiAnLe, Yuki, Pui wAh (肥华) and syhAo
fRom riGht : "oh c'mOn dO i reAlly hAve to Do tHiS ?"
6 oF thEm mAde uP 1/4 oF my liFe iN KL .. EaCh cOntRibutiNg
1/5 in eNteRtainmEnt .. 1/2 in stuDieS .. 1/10 sLeEpinG toGethEr ..
hOw's my mAthS gOing oN ?

哎哟好饿哦 。。
原来这就是叶子楣大饭 。。
哎哟我要吃了 。。
aNd pLs hA .. dOn eAt bEfoRe i Do..
stUpid hAnd !

ok ok i'll dO thIs agAin ..
fRom lEft .. 叶同学(1), 叶同学(2),王同学,刘同学,方同学,梁同学 。。
all smiliNg with a fUtuRe plAn iN minD ..
同学(1)自愿 : 开子楣大包店
同学(2)自愿 : 开来香KTV
同学自愿 : 卖色片4片送1片私人作品 或 廉宜地卖八粒蛋一块钱 (别间商店给称姑娘@八蛋)
同学自愿 : 开莲店
同学自愿 : 开一间便档餐厅
同学自愿 : 暂时不清楚 。。可能马路 。。

tO aLL muSlimS .. tHis piCs is NoN-hAlAl ..
pLs dOnt tOuCH yOur mOnitoR whEN yOu'Re viEwinG tHis Pic ..
wE weRe sO huNgry at tHat mOmEnt ...
thE fOod wAs niCe ..

uPtoWn giRls ..
tHey'vE bEen liviNg in tHe upToWn wOrld ..

thE briDgE tO hiS/hEr hEart ..
thE niGht viEw wAs NicE ..
tHat nitE wAs satuRday NitE ..
sAtuRday nitE eVeRyoNe CoMeS out ..
a lot cOuplEs wAndErinG oN thE briDge ..
hUgginG eAch otHeR ..
juSt a nOrmal satUrday niGht ..
tHe nitE bEfoRe sUnday mOrninG .. wHerE rain is FalliNg (mArOon 5)
lAme satuRday nitE ..

ok Ok!! it'S nOt aN oRdiNAry sAtuRdaY nitE ..
it'S vAlentiNe'S nitE.. Are yOu hAppy Now ??

Eh wHy Are yOu hErE mR. LiaNg??!
i'm tAlkinG bOut mElaCca nOt yOu ..
StOp hAuntiNg mE .. i'M nOt gAy ..
whAt thE hell aRe yOu tHinkinG ??!!
gEt mE oUt oF hEre !~

fUn To visit mElacCa ..i lOve tHe city a Lot ..eVerytHinG's Old SkOol ..
tHe Ppl aRe fRendly ..pOlitE .. gOod tO talK witH (fRendly lah tu) ..
nEx tiMe wHo gOing MelaCca tEll mE yah ..
i will wait fOr u tO cOme bAc fRom theRe ..
hahaha ^^
sWeEt mEmoriEs tHougH ..reAlly haPpy ..
tHis tRip will bE pArt oF mE fOrEvEr ...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


他很喜欢到森林去探索 。。
父母都很但心他 。。
因为森林简直就是很危险的地方 。。
但是,小孩子死都不听 。。
结果有一天 。。
小孩子在森林遇见了一只老虎 。。
他东张西望 。。 想逃避 。。
但是 。。 老虎已经在他面前了 。。
幸亏 。。他还是成功逃走 。。
(我讲故事从来没有悲剧的 。。放心)
小孩子回到家后 。。
一五一十把事件告诉父母 。。
父母听了 。。只问他几句话 。。
孩子说 : “为什么不要去呢?”
孩子这时就说 :
"爸妈, 我一路来都知道森林有老虎啊。。
我遇见老虎都还能回到家 。。

父母听了 。。只说一句 。。“ 猛 ~~!”

我的故事就完了 。。 
希望我帮了大家消磨几分钟的时间 。。
改天还想听我讲故事请跟我讲 。。
我能讲很久的噢 !

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A sAusAgE a dAy kEepS tHe dOctOr aWay

A sAusAgE a dAy kEepS tHe dOctOr aWay ...
unFortuNatEly , i hAd 2 ~ !! sHeDaPpPpPpPpPp !!
So, mY bOdy YinYaNg bAlanCinG tHinGy gOne wRonG...
aNd i hAd a gReat NiGht dAtiNg with mS. WhitE O'NaSty foR tHis lOvely ...
sHe tReatEd mE reAlly wEll by tHe wAy ..
hAd a lOt oF fuN sittiNg oN hEr .. lOvE yOu mS. WhitE O'NaSty..
u nOe wHat i MeaN riGht ..
hArdcoRe hAnKy pAnky .. oh yEa ~~
tHe bEst dAte on vAlentiNe'S sO fAr ...

So hErE's tHe jUmbo sAusAgE !
PlayinG arOund witH it ..
yEeEeEeEe ...

CoMe eat la ~~
OpEn YoUr mOuth la ~~
hOu SeK oh ~

God tHis is thE sEcOnd sAusAgE i
wAs tRyinG to ConSuMe ..
it wAs a Fear FActOr chAlleNge FoR mE ..
i tHink mS. WhitE O'NaSty wiLL lOve tHis ..

tHis iS mS. WhitE O'NaSty ..
(haha.. don't think toO muCh yAh)

i tHink Ms. WhitE O' NaSty gOt tHe sAusAge fRoM mE as it wAs bEfOre i Ate it ..
hmm hMm ! YumMy ^^ ~ !

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My FaVouRitE LeCtUrE ClaSs

i hAvE a veRy intErEstinG lEctUrEr ..
tEacHing EnginEerinG Ceraramcs ( sUpoSsinGly EnginEerinG CerAmiCs , bUt thAt's wat pRintEd in thE nOtEs GiVeN fOr tOpiC 3 )
hE lOveS tO tEll a lot oF stOrieS ..
hE lOveS StaRwArS .. (sEe hiS hAirstyLe)
hE tAlkS likE a dRunk bAd lAd ...
tAlkS bOut thE .. dAmN nO wOrd cOminG oUt fRoM hiS moUth iS makinG aNy SenSe..
aNd hE's gOt a tYpicAl sLaNg of eNgliSh ..

i'll shArE wAt hE tElls in claSs ...

" So toDay i will tiSh* yOu aLL hOw tHe ... tHe ..
err .. err .. ok .. lEts staRts with fluOridE stRucTurE ..
fluOridE iS an eleMeNt yOu sEe ..
nOrmally in gasEouS fOrM ..
sO .. whAt dO yOu tHinK flUoriDe loOks liKe ??
izzit gAs ... or liQuid ?

tish = teach

"wHen thE atOms aRe all pAcKed toGethEr witH tHe tEtEkheDrOn*..
it'S like ..
hAve yOu sEen stAr wArS ?? whEn thE .. thE ..aliEn and tHe .. (vOicE gEttinG sOftEr)
(aftEr 4 sEcOnds ....)
u sEe ..
sO leTs mOve oN to tHe neX toPic .. "

tEtEkheDrOn* = tEtRaheDroN

"So u sEe ... hEre got fOur atOmic pArticlEs .. (as shOwn in piC)
1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ...
sO fOur meAns .. hOw mAny ? clAsS ? "

(Ans : 4)

"AaAaAa ~~~ "
"AaAaAa ~~~ "
" Ahh tHe diAmoNd stRuctUrE weu aRranGe iN a wAy SaS* tHat
all in cRystaLLiNe stRuCtuRe .."
" liKE ... ok .. sO ... hEre .. hEre .. hEre ..3 atoMs "

weu = will
SaS* = sUch

"CaN yOu SeE mE ?? ClaSs ? "

" i gRaduAtEd fRoM LivErpOo ..
whEn yAll stiLL smAll .. wHat yEar yAll bOrn ??
1988? i gRaduAtEd siNcE 1978 ..
So it'S 10 yEarS bEfOre yall bOrn riGht ??
yall oNly hOw old tHat tiMe ??
stiLL a littLe kid rigHt ?? "

lifE's hArd ..
i hOpe oNe dAy hE cAn actuAlly uNdErstaNds wHat hE's sayinG ..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


刚放学。。好累。。 在学校整整有睡超过一小时啦 。。
很累 ! 感觉上像洗我家的厕所二十次了还是不能干净 。。
累得我懒得要冲凉 。。 就打算睡觉了 。。。
怎知 。。 一闭下眼睛 。。 突然就想起一件事 。。。
就赶快来上网 。。。
我要看一个很特别的人物的blog的所有的posts 。。。
唉 。。。
边看 。。 边觉得心好像酸酸的 。。。 什么华文歌词啦 。。一直沉默的作你的依赖,让一切石沉大海
又几张杀人脸的照片 。。。
就觉得心酸酸 。。不知道是什么感觉 。。。
可能是我睡不够。。心没有力 。。
可能是我的肺饿 。。 但是我不理我的肺都几天了 。。有吗? 哈哈
可能是想念啦 。。 但是才放学回来而已 。。
可能是伤心吧 。。 伤心没有比她美的blog 。。哈哈 。。 等下 。。有好像不是 。。
可能是 。。 我也不知道了啦 。。。
妈的。。。 又是下雨天 。。很不爽 。。。
真的是 。。 心酸了还要弄我心更酸 。。。酸到 脚的关节也有一点酸 。。。 老了是酱的 。。。
最近都很难睡 。。 就像现在 。。
一直梦很多东西 。。。 但是每一次乱梦都少不了特别人物 。。
我到底怎么啦?想很多又不知想什么 。。想要做的事又不敢做 。。
上课时老师又一直教怎样切铁 。。 教到像切叉烧酱 。。 他看起来也有点像卖叉烧啦 。。
情人节又要到了 。。 头又不知在要想什么了 。。 死都不让我睡觉 。。
算啦 。。 我死都要睡 。。不然今晚读不了书 。。