oOoOoOo .. my vEry fiRst tAg ..
sO ..tHeSe aRe 25 rAndOm tHinGs ..
1. tHis is So rAndoM ..
2. wHy aM i dOing tHis ?
3. toTally raNdoM ..
4. a Guy sHud tAlk lEsS and dO mOrE ..
5. if dEstiNy iS kinD .. i'Ve gOt tHe rEst oF my miNd ..
6. my liPs .. thEy dOnt kiSs tHe wAy tHey uSed tO ..
7. did sOmeoNe jUst mEntioNed bOut cOndOm ? i hAd it in bEneAth
my mOtoRcyCle sEat bEfoRe my biKe wAs stOleN .. :(
8. u DoN hAve tO jUdgE me cOz nO oNe EvEr jUdgEd tHemselVeS
9. hi CeCeliA !
10. WelcOme tO bloGspOt !
11. wHen a sHip SinKs .. tHe VolUme oF tHe sEa iNCreAsEs ..
12. a gUitAr hAs siX stRinGs .. sOme eVen up To 12 ..
13. wHat dO yOu thiNk oF a gUy wHo pOst 2 bLogS in A siNgle dAy ?
14. rAndOm = iNcOnsistEncY in a wAy tHat .. it'S nOt eVEn foLLowinG
anY sPecifiC ruLe or pattErns
15. tHis is tOo muCh foR mE CeCelia ..maYbe tRy 15 rAndOm tHinGs nEx tiMe ..hAhA
16. dO yOu eVer rEaliSe tHat aCtually tHe cLoud SeedS aRe Argentum Iodide (AgI) ?
17. jUs a gEnEral kNowlEdgE .. whEn yOu lAugH .. u'Re actuAlly lAuGhinG ..
18. iF yOu cAn liCk yOur oWn elbOw .. thEn mAybE u Can tRy oUt jUmpinG oUt oF
yOur bAlcOny wiThout gEttinG killEd ..
19. pPl is fAt wHen tHey aRe with tHe sKinniEs .. tHey Aren't fAt wHen thEy aRe
witH a piG ..
20. WhEn i wAs sMall .. And cHristmAs tReE wAs tAll .. wE uSed tO lOVe wHile oTher
UsEd tO plaY ..
21. i'M gEttinG oLd aNd i DoNt sPeak As mUch liKe bEfoRe .. i'm nOt eNjOyinG tAt mUch
at tHis aGe ..
22. u See .. if a wOodcHuck Could cHuck wOod .. hOw muCh wOod cOuld a wOodcHucK chUck
iF a woOdcHuck coUld cHucK wOod ??
23. iF yOu're frEe .. tRy to miRroR yOursElf aNd sAy .. " hi .. hOw aRe yOu lately ? "
24. i'M almOst finiSh with 25 randOm tHingS ..
25. 25th of DecEmbEr is a dAy wHeRe EvEryoNe iS cElebRatinG cHristmAs ..
but 25th oF eVery mOnth iS a dAy wHerE a pErsOn is aChing pain
aNd nEedS to Go to tHe tOilet .. hEr bElly wOuld sWell a bit aNd hEr faCe wOuld
tUrn a bit pAle .. nO cold dRinkS oN thAt dAy .. :(
i nOw tAg waaatever ... for pain and gain .. iS thIs bloGspot ..SummEr anD tHoSe wHo wantS tO mAke tHis wOrld a bEttEr plAce tO liVe .. pls if yOu gUys aRe tOo fRee liSt oUt yOur 25 rAndOm tHinGs ..
wat la...should be 25 random things about YOU YOURSELF. so wrong... "redo~~~" XD
huh? omg ..
do you deduct marks for tat?
hehe ..
no wei.. nex time you tag me again only i do wei ..
haha ..
do i noe u in fact? was u KH-ian?
i think i saw ur face before ..
no you don know me ...
and i don know you either ..
but anyway ..
nice to meet you ...
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