Sunday, February 22, 2009

150 trUthS

i'm taGgEd aGaiN .. in fAceBoOk aCtually by eDwiN (pRoNouncEd as ed - dwin ) ..
bUt i gOt No iDea hOw tO pOst tHis tHinG thErE ..
sO hEre'S 150 trUthS ..

Last beverage → 100 plUs ..damn thAt wAs hOurS aGo .. gOtta dRinK sOme wAtEr nOw ..
Last phone call → mUmmY ..
Last text message you message to→ yEw woEn
Last song you listened to → oRiOn by metalliCa
Last time you cried → u mEaN teArS cOminG oUt fRom my eYeS ? 2008 i guEss wHen mY
aUnt diEd oF bReaSt cAncEr ..bUt i dO cry a lot in my hEaRt ..


Dated someone twice →
hMm .. nOpE ..
Been cheated on → wEll .. nOpE ..i guEsS sO ..
Kissed someone & regretted it → nEvEr rEgRet tO kiSs sOmeoNe ..uNleSs a mAle ..

Fallen out of love → mAybE .. mEaninG nOt yEs .. nOt nO ..
Laughed until you cried → nO .. bUt i thiNk i mAde sOme pEople dO thAt ..
Met someone who changed your life → nOnE in tHe pAst mOnth ..
How many people on your top friends do you know in real life? → tOp fRiEndS ?
How many kids do you want to have-- gOtta diScuSs with wiFe fiRst rEally .. and cHeCk ATM..
Do you have any pets → a lUohAn fiSh .. bUt it diEd .. sad rEally .. my VeRy fiRst and lAst pEt ..
Do you want to change your name → givE mE aNothEr 150 rEasOns tO dO sO ..
What time did you wake up today → 2.54pm ..
What were you doing at midnight last night → watChed sCary mOviE 4 aNd wEnt tO mCd ..
Name something you cannot wait for → it wiLL rEmaiN aS MemOriEs ..
What's one thing you wish you could change - thE wOrld ..
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Nah .. weiRd quEstion anywAy ...

What's getting on your nerves right now → shud i gO mCd again cOz sEn iS aSkinG ..
What's your real name → Ku tiAn Le
Elementary/Primary School → SRJK (C) Keat Hwa (K)
Middle/Secondary School --> SMK Keat Hwa 1
Hair color → blaCk bUt sOme sAy it'S dArk bRowN .. my mOm la that oNe ..
Long or short → shOrt ..bUt sOme sAy lOng .. tHeRe aRe aLL sOrts oF pEople oUt thEre u Noe..
Are you a health freak → i dOnt eAt cOloUrful fOod .. sO .. yEs ..
Righty or lefty → 70% riGhty ... 30% leFty .. as in playinG gUitAr .. wAsHinG pEt pEt ..

First surgery → 6 yEarS oLd wHen aN aluMinUm bAr diGs oUt a ChunK oF my fLeSh ..
First piercing → my fEet .. whEn a nail "piErcE" into it .. = =" .. nO i dOn hv any piErcinG .
First best friend → tHiS quEstiOn will mAkeS mE liE ... nO cOmMent ..
First sport you joined → VollEybAll iN my pRimAry sChoOl .. a sUbstitUte fOr sChoOl tEam
First pet → luohAn fiSh .
First vacation → tAipinG .. zOo tAipinG mOre spEcificAlly .. bAck in 1994 ..

Eating → gOing tO if sEn kEep pErsuadinG ..
Drinking → H-O-H
Waiting → sLeEp ..

Want kids? → dEfinitEly.. i loVe kiDs ..
Want to get married?→ YES ! cOz uNfair la i kEep aLL thE lOvE with Me .. ^^
Careers in mind? → a gUitaRiSt oF an All tiMe bAnd .. bUt thAt will bE hAppEninG in my heAd . baC tO reAlity ..i wAnnA gEt mysElf intO tHe pEtrOleUm indUstRy if
pOssibLe ..
Kissed a stranger → hMm .. flyinG kiSs gOt la .. hAhA ..
Drank hard liquor → yEs i Do .. fOr thE puRpoSe oF saviNg watEr aNd gOod bloOd fLow .. XD
Lost glasses/contacts → NevEr haPPeNed tO mE yEt ..
Ran away from home → oNce .. whEn mY dAd chAsEd mE oUt wHen i wAs 7 ..
Broken someone's heart → nO .. i'm a sEnsitiVe and a CarinG pErsOn ..
Been arrested → nO .. but almoSt arrEsted ... yEs .. stUpid thAt tiMe ..
Cried when someone died → yEa, ovEr my aUnt's dEath.. thE rEst i waS tOo yOung to knOw whAt wAs hApPeninG ..

Yourself → yEs .. i'm basiCally a gOd of my oWn ..
Miracles → yEs ..cOz sOmetiMeS wHen hOpeS fAde i dO sEek miRaCleS ..
Love at first sight → yEs fOr the moMent .. tUrninG nO in feW morE yEarS ..
Heaven → nO ..
Santa Clause → fOr whAt ? fReE giftS ? nO!
Kiss on the first date→ jUs a gOodnight kiSs or a mild kiSs .. yea ..
Angels → dO thEy loOks likE my mOm ? iF yEs tHen i'Ve sEen oNe ..

Is there one person you want to be with right now? → yEs
Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → tHiS wOnt hapPen fOrEvEr ..
Do you believe in God? → nO .. hE's nEvEr aVailablE wHen i nEed him ..sO i aSsuMe hE's nOt tHeRe ..

tHosE in my blOg liSt ..yAll aRe tAgGed ... haHa and cEcElia tOo .. and tHomad toO .. latEr sOme tiMe oNly i aDd u gUys in my blOgliSt ..laZy tO dO all tHat nOw .. ^^


Anonymous said...

ed-dwin....thats how cikgu limau call me...haha....

thomadyeoh said...

who the hell is gikgu limau
misti sour

StAn said...

she was our malay teacher during primary skool .. she was great .. treated us very well .. like her own kids .. got one time edwin mistakenly called her mom ..

Earl Grey said...

what name so difficult to spell meh...not cecE la...rmb sejarah, sir cecil....i am cecilia~
cecelia is nicholas tse's wife~

SummeR Nana said...

oi..stan!!! Tagged by U~~~omg
free we came out SING k ya^^

StAn said...

haha sry yah cecelia ... oops i mean cecilia .. thx for rectifying ..very confusing ..i need some time alone to get over this so tat i can spell your name correctly ..ce ..ce ..cecilia! oh god .. i need some rest now .. ^^ :P

haha ..noe u kena tag d so pls blog bout this fast yah ..wanna conteng ur blog d..
i always got time one la ..
u nia busy .. even MSN oso busy mode ..
wat la u .. got time come out la !

Anonymous said...

ur blog rocks. dam funny wei

u got all de pics? zip together n send me weiI!!

StAn said...

okeh okeh ..
wait me got time first haha ..
lazy ar ..
i oso not so sure whether i noe how to zip those pics up ..
haha nice to see you here ..

SummeR Nana said... busy la...i blog d la!!!
150 truths also wan ke??? omg~~~
is killing me!!! hahaha

StAn said...

wan wan !
write all if you are free ..
keep ur blog active ..
haha ..
treat u eat JcO if u do so ..
like a hamster ah you ..