Tuesday, December 15, 2009

pls happen again ..

December 14, 2009

Unplugged 2009

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Who would have ever thought that one of the biggest lecture halls in Tunku Abdul Rahman College, would someday accommodate an actual MOSH PIT?!

That's what it came down to, at this year's Unplugged IV Band Competition cum Rock Concert. 6 band finalists. 4 immensely musical guests performers (bands). Two funny emcees. Loads of people, and a terrific organizing committee.

The result? A historical event like never before.

Now, you know that this show has to be a force to reckoned with when someone like yours truly, who has very little liking for rock music, enjoyed himself all the way throughout the event. From the moment the showed kicked off at 6.00 p.m. till the time the curtains were drawn at 11.00 p.m., Unplugged proved to be entirely entertaining, and enormously energetic.

Credits have to be given to the committee for selecting top notch finalists. Down to Earth, winners of the evening's event, definitely deserved their victory -their take on Marie Digby's "Avalanche", Colby O' Donnis and Akon's "What You've Got" (which took everyone by surprise, pleasantly) and a rock-rendition of "Nobody" by the Wondergirls, epitomized the band's creativity and talent. I would say they stood out due to their juicy creativity, nicely blended harmonies, and musical finesse.

(Down to Earth performing)

Other finalists (in performing order) include 202 Band, which was the only band who performed a Malay song that night - "Itu Kamu", by local music phenomenon Estranged and an original composition by one of the band members. Chili Man Skitz performed second, with another notable feat- they were the only finalist with a Chinese song, coupled with a performance of "Love Story" by Taylor Swift. (Yes, the vocalist was female- Miss Jessyca Cheong).

Blackbox took the tide in another direction. The band went more on the hardcore side, performing "Seek and Destroy" by legendary band Metallica, and "Island in the Sun" by Weezer. The thing about Blackbox though, unlike the previous two bands, was that Neo Eu Yann (vocalist) could scream Ala rock. Not like Freddie Mercury of course, but there definitely is great potential.

Down to Earth took the stage next, followed by Pull the Plug. This particular band had me in chills, for two reasons. Firstly, Stuart, the guitarist, played incredibly flawlessly. His transitions were smooth, and his solos left an impact. Above that however, was the vocalist's performance. He had a rock-opera touch to his voice, which was especially prominent in the second song, "The Phantom of the Opera". Very, VERY HAUNTING. Their initial song though (The Fray's "How to Save a Life") didn't go too well.

Finally, The Raccoons - one of the most anticipated acts that evening, took the stage. With renowned members, such a famed vocalist Aryton Bernado Soliano, they performed a medley of two songs: "Level" by The Raconteurs and "Come Together" by The Beatles, ensued by Oasis' "Champagne Supernova". Overall, the band played smoothly, and definitely vindicated expectations.

All did well; all rocked the stage.

The stage deco was arguably simple, which definitely worked in favour of the affair. Unplugged was, after all, a celebration of music, and not a visual arts exhibition. The backdrop was bold, and made a pronounced statement- like it was intended to.

(The stage)

Not to forget, The Ex-Boyfriends kicked off the show with a few self-composed songs. Being winners of the previous Unplugeed from two years ago, the band has clearly maintained their abilities to entertain, and perform very very well.

Guest performers included Beat the System (without Lenard), who started the mosh pit thingamajig. With each guitar strum and each word sung, they gave the audience a huge boost, in terms of energy and spirit. By their second song, the floor before the stage was filled. People were screaming, jumping, headbanging- you name it, TARCians were doing it. (Nothing vulgar, of course. We're very civilized, mind you)

Rosevelt also made an appearance. Mid this year, the band made it's debut during Talentime Night 2009; during which I had the honor of introducing them to the public. While they proved their prowess that night, their performance during Unplugged showed just how much they have improved within the time frame of a few months. Picking up where Beat The System left off, they kept the show going, and added to the rock-themed energy that was building.

NAO was another noted performer that evening. To think that they went on playing pure music without break for about 40 minutes- these are guys with serious stamina. Every note was spot on, and this showed just how professional the band is. Having toured China recently, the band performed flawlessly that night, with a very colourful collection of songs.

Of course, they kind of went on a little too long, as many agreed. That said, the musical stream they weaved that night was like no other. Unique, creative and astounding by any scale.

MC Shaun and MC Nalina spiced things up a lot. Literally, too, thank you. One could easily tell how relaxed and natural they were at hosting such events. No stress, no sweat. Both looked stunning as well. And oh, Nalina definitely made a statement that night: "Dont mess with me. I have killer shoes. Period".

All in all? Everyone who was involved (directly and indirectly) in the production of Unplugged definitely gets two thumbs up. It was a brilliant show- entertaining and power-packed from beginning to end, without a second going to waste. Special congratulatory wishes are in order for Bryan Chin, Nalina Nair, and Jonathan Teo - the big brains behind the whole occassion.

And for those of you who missed out on TARC's Unplugged 2009? Well, pray that there'll be another one next year. Trust me, this is one event you can't miss, even if you're not a TARCian.


PS: Pictures courtesy of Roslyn Ruslan, Jiahui Koh, and Unplugged.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ms. It

i miSs a lot of thinGs theSe dayS ..
i miSs my childhood friendS ..
thOse mAlayS that i uSed to play with thEm in the mud ..
i think soMe of thEm are in priSon nOw coz' they weRe rEally terrible ..
haha ..
i miSs the little giRl living next to my houSe thAt tOok a chOpper aNd ran toWards me, planning tO kill me ..
i miSs the dAyS my bRother and siSter sittinG togethEr chattinG bOut what we'll goNna bE whEn we gRow uP..
i miSs thoSe fiGhts i had with my cOusin bRothEr ..
i miSs thoSe peOple wHo trEated me badly duRing my childhOod ..
they were the oNeS that cOntributed thE moSt fOr where i'm standinG rigHt now ..
i was onCe an idiot kid whO cant afford to miSs a fight with soMeonE..
i learnt the terrible thingS that reSults from quarrelS and fiGhtinGs from theM ..
i miSs thE siMplicity of my kindErgartEn sChool lifE ..
i miSs hOw my dad used to beat me uP ..
i miSs my kindergaRten teAchEr (Ms.Lim) who clEaned me uP when i poOped in my shOrtS ..
sHe had a toUgh liFe i gueSs coz i cAn recAll thAt she wAs wOrkinG in a linGeriE departmeNt tOo while still being my teacheR ..
i miSs thE veRy firSt hUg frOm my mum aftEr the fiRst day in primary sChool during standard 1 ..
i miSs how i fElt when my mOm gave me my veRy fiRst birthdAy giFt ..
it wAs a bar of cHocolate hidden in her wardrobE ..
i miSs thE smell of a soap i uSed in my fOundation studiEs ..
thE smell can trigger a lot dEep inside me ..
i miSs the very firSt feelinG whEn i fiRst mEt soMeone in seCondary sChool ..
i miSs thOse woRdS that soMeone used to tEll me ...
i miSs thE rEal thinGs in life ..
real thinGs that i exploRed in my old zinc-roof-stable-sized-hOuse ...
real thinGs that i exploRed whEn i fiRst hold heR hand 10 yeArS agO ..
real thinGs that i exploRed whEn my mum whispered in my earS ..
real thinGs that i finally understOod but foRgottEn ...
sOmetimes bad thinGs aRen't that bad ..
bad thinGs taught me how to cherish ..
how to be grateful ..
how to treat ppl better ..
and a lots of 'how to' ..

" i jUst hope i could forget everythinG aNd startS a new lifE "..
*lamE and typical*
but i really felt that way ..
and i'm kinda happy to live until today ..
i've got my 2nd chaNcE ..
haha ..

Saturday, November 7, 2009


come closer pls ..
haha ..
or i'll come to you ..
and makes you the best thing ever happened in my life ..
some day ...


Monday, October 19, 2009

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Somebody's after me, I can't pretend to be...
Something I know I'm not...
And when they come for me..
I'll just let them be...
Cause all that I need today, is all I need...
I just wanna be thinking thoughts that I think
Dreaming my dreams and drifting within
I don't know where I'm going
But I know where I've been
so come on look within
Someone will always be more than I'll ever be
So then I'll be myself.
And when they come for me
I'll just let them be
Cause all that I need today.. I need today..
Oh you're big enough...you're tough enough..
and now I begin to see
Girl you've gotta lay your love on me.
It's big enough
so far enough and as far as my eye can see
Girl you gotta, lay your love on me
lay your love on...
Lay your love on...
lay your love on me...
Somebody's after me, I can't pretend to be
Something I know I'm not
And when they come for me - I'll just let them be
'Cause all that I need today, I need today
And I just wanna be thinking thoughts that I think
Dreaming my dreams and drifting within
I don't know where I'm goin'
But I know where I've been
so come on, live your dream
Like a bird without wings...
Like a bird who don't sing...
Like a fish on dry land...
Like I'm swimming in sand...

Like i'm fallen for you ...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

aBoUt mE ..

hEhE ...
sO thiS iS the bLoGsPot thAt my nUrSe iS talkinG aBout hUh ..
my nUrsE alwAyS updatEs mE with lateSt cOol stuffS whEn massaging my nUmb leGs evEry mOrninG ..
wokay ..
sO i'm gOing to staRt off my bloG with an intRoduCtion abOut myself ..
hi ..
i'M stAn ..
rEal nAme shOuld bE nEo ..
stan wAs thE niCknaMe i gAvE to mySelf like 70 yeArS bAck cOz soMe indiAnS in my college cAnt reMembEr my fUll cHinEsE nAme but thEy inSistEd to cAll mE by full nAme..
wEre thEy sMart or stUpid ?
i'm 92 yEarS old ..
cUrrently stayinG in Melati UtaMa Old FolkS hOme ..
thEy naMe it " sCrEwEd bAllS hoMe " cOz occupantS heRe cOnsiSt of sEnioRs thAt aRe abAndoned by theiR fAmiliEs .. fReNs and ppl aRound thEm ..
likE mE ..
wEll it'S rathEr a sAd stoRy hOw i ended up here ..
bUt ..
i'll shaRe it with yall anyhOw ..
when i wAs yOunG ..
i was ... well ...i waS yOung ...
and sOon ...
i gReW oldEr ..
that'S hOw i endEd up hEre ..
sO baSically thiS hOuSe i'm stayinG iS cosy ..
pEacEful ..
spaciOus ..
fReEdOm ..
niCe enviRonmEnt ..
cOz .. i'm stayinG alOnE !
i cOuld recAll pPl arOund mE stayinG with mE ..
bUt now thEy weRe gOne ..
sEemS it wAs likE yEstErday 4am ...
tiMe pAsSes rEal fAst ..
every day ..
i eAt mAmAk mElati utaMa ..
it'S goOd fOr mE cOz it'S bad fOr health ..
u gEt what i'M sayinG ?
life'S gOod whEn it eNded whEre it suppoSe to eNd ..
althOugh i stay alOne ..
but i gEt tiReD .. vEry tiRed..
now yOu dOn wanna kNow hOw i gEt tirEd .. ok?
letS smilE toGethEr ..
i'M old nOw ..
i gOt no tiMe tO griEf ..
i gOt no tiMe to thinK of thE conSequEncEs..
no tiMe to think bOut what u think bOut mE eithEr ..
what'S coMing what'S not ..
i nEed to sMilE as oftEn as i cOuld ..
i'm thE laSt oNe stanDinG in thiS hOuSe ..
i sEe light at thE end of thE tUnnEl ..
bUt i jUst kEep driftinG myself away fRom it ..
i kNew thAt wAs gOd tRyinG tO brinG mE bAck tO whEre i cAme fRom ..
soMehOw i jUst fEel likE sEeinG thinGs a lil lonGer hEre..
but who kNowS ritE ?
i miGht be goNe 2 wEekS fRom noW..
i gOt a Transnasional bus tiCket stating 30th sEptembEr ... 12.30pm .. KL --> alor staR ..
tempat dUduk 3E ..
hahahaha ..
wEi i wAn bAck hOme tOwn !!
gOd dAmn i'm alOne hEre shitty bOrinG !!
fEelS really likE old folkS hoMe..
it suCkS so haRd and i pRomiSe i wOnt sEnd anyonE to old folkS hoMe !!
我发誓 !! lll.(._.) <--- (my thumb and 3 fingers)
my hOuSemateS all wEnt baC yEsterday at 4am ..
hahaha ..
still cOuntinG thE dayS ..
10 moRe dAyS damn it !!
aNd nOw is jUst thE bEgiNninG of Day 2 ..
meeeeoooowwww ~~~~~

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

LuSt ,, i loVe luSt ..

End of this semester is just around the corner ..
sO what i've learnt this sem?
i think i can sort them down ..
i've learnt how electrical power machines works ..
how calculators calculate .. damn calculator is not as simple as it seems ..
how robots move basically ..
how religions interfere us and what are considered morality acts ..
like the Utilitarianism .. u are doing a good deed if u are making more than 5 ppl happy out of 10 ppl ..
as long as happy people is greater than down ones ..
u are doing a good deed..
now i can see why Malays love to steal cellphones .. including mine ..
coz i'm the only one got sad and those bastards gang are happy..
this is Morality guys ..
i've learnt how to survive from extreme boredom too..
and improvised my anger management ..
and tried to think a little bit far ..
just a little bit.. haha
and lot more ..

and my spending lust is striking again ...
i wan spend RM1000 !!!!!
or better still more than that ..
i dono wat i wan ..
i dono wat i need ..
i just wanna spend ..
and spend..and spend ...!!!!
but geee i don even have that much money..
arggghhh ..
feels like i got a very loaded gas and wanna fart out loud but happened to be in a library ..
and i need to suck the fart back into my stomach and i cant complain a shit ..
i'm having a hard time ..
lust is really good in torturing and motivating me ..
need lust to get life goin ..
i just love luSt ..
damn i wanna spend .. :(

Saturday, September 5, 2009

nOw i beGin tO sEe

sO ..
3 monthS hOlidAy cOminG rEal sOon ..
haha fiNalS hAvEnt evEn staRted yEt ...
bUt we gotta loOk far ritE to bE suCceSsful ? o.O"
btw cheeRs for thoSe finAls tipS ..
thx rEally appreCiate thOse who shaRed all theSe tipS coZ not really stuDying thiS whole sEm..
well well whAt will tHe plaNs bE for thiS aWeSomE sEmeSteR brEak ?

gotta find a jOb .. haha .. ==
whEre will i bE goinG ?
i dOno whEre i'm gOinG ..
bUt i nOe whEre i haVe bEen ..
dude yOu gotta liVe yOur dreAmS ..
bUt whAt'S my 3-monthS-dreAm ?
all i tHink tO mySelf iS ...
mAx incOme dude .. mAx incOme..
aCtUally i'd likE tO tRy nEw stUffS ..
bEsideS wOrkinG in my fAvOuritE hangOut plAcE ..
PAVILION ... hOoOoOo ~~~
hOpe i cAn fiNd jObS liKe dRug smugglErS or 导游..
thingS that will oPen my eyeS BIGGER ... and BIGGER .. and BIGGER !
but no 康头 ..
-.- ..
or mAybE providing guitAr leSsonS..
bUt it will kinda likE 'cheating' ..
cOz i'm nOt thAt gOod ..
haha ..
tutoR ?
teAch inggErih ..
"shE bEaUtiFul oh ! "
"i lOvE eat and eat !"
ahhh... dOnt think sO ..

argghh guEss i'll jUst sQueezE mySelf intO sOme papEr bAsed jobs in sOme cOmpaNieS thAt offerS gOod pay ..
rm1500 aboVe ..
hee-hee-hee ..
money hAs nEver bEen eNuf ..

sO hOw boUt vacation?
2nd oCtobEr off tO lanGkawi tO cElebratE 'fRog pRincEss' bday..
that'S a gOod stArt fOr my lOng x 3 holy-dAyS .. ( long = 1 month )
bUt wHere'S nExt?
bAng-CoCk ?
liOnpOor ?
ipoh ? eeeww groSs ..
ipoh soundS laMe ..
juscO ipoh?
white coffEe?
taugE chickEn riCe ? (not niCe anyway.. haha super salty ... the riCe like eatinG diRt)
ppl fRom iPoh really "chEong hEi" and "gOod" tAstE..
maYbe it'S an old toWn ..
sO ppl are quitE old oSo ..
evEn the yOung oNeS ..
exCept stevEn zAi ..
haha ..
cAmEron hiGhlandS ?
oOoh wOw i lovE stRawbErrieS .. jAws getting sOur when thinking bOut it ..
muZiuM nEgAra ?
whEre elSe ?
aih ..
go lanGkawi fiRst hehehe ..

dAmn finAls pRolonGed until 29th sEptembEr ..
sO damn long ...
need to speNd almoSt 2 wEekS alone in thiS hOuSe ..
whO nEedS a spot for partiEs can contaCt mE after 20th sEptembEr ..
haha ..

gee juSt watched final destiNatioN ..
the 3D effEctS quite niCe ..
soMethinG i lOng lOng agO foRgotteN ..
reAlly stirS my miNd ..
kiNdA sCary ...cOz rm18 the tiCket ..
ouch ...
anyhOw a great dAy todAy ..
fiRst tiMe hanging out with my nEw haiRcut ..
hahaha ..
sUper sHort ..
jUst imagine u brEak ur pencil intO half ..
that'S thE length of my .. my .. hair ..
makeS me lookEd so old sKoOl ..
haha ..
niCe thoUgh sEeing hOusemateS lauGhing their aSseS blOwn off whEn they fiRst sAw mE ..
especially f^^kinG ed-dwin ..
laUgh till fAce rEd ..
hiS hobby is fartinG reCently ..
sUper sMelly ..
u gRoWn up eating shit huh??
haha sry cEcelia if u're viEwinG thiS ..
bUt i think u nEed tO buy mAsk nOt fOr H1N1 ..
bUt to cOmpromiSe with ur suh-wEe-tiE ..
nO wonder ur rOom no inSectS u smElly tan ..
nEx tiMe come fArt in my room when i'm nOt arouNd ..
kill all thOse tiny crEatuRes that bitE me at niGht ..

damn this blog thing is something like a virtual lepak spot ..
really spending good time inside this white window box..
that's all for now ..
and maybe that's all for this month ..
haha ..

Friday, August 28, 2009

牛没有奶了 。。

哈哈哈 。。。
可能aSsiGnmEnt 赶完了吧 。。。
chiCkEn-piE 喔 。。
现在很想出门喂 。。
虽然已经觉得好像刚搬完五百粒罗里的轮胎 。。
但是心里很很很很很很很很很。。。再多一个很 。。很“旅行mode”
我要出去 !!
但是没有人要陪我 。。
chiCkEn-piE !
全部在玩电吉他 。。
我懂七月半不要夜夜出门 。。
但是想回我还没有见过鬼 。。
现在是美好时机啦 。。。
我什么都要看 !!

对 ! 连你在想着的我都要看!!
你藏着的我都要看 。。。
看了才明白 。。。
看了才爽 。。。
看了才能对待大家好一点 。。。
让大家一起酱开心 !! (别想歪歪,我是华文不大好而已表达能力自然差了一点)
每个人开心才叫生活嘛 。。
五个人笑一个人哭我会感受到哭着的多过开心的 。。
所以就要大家开心啦 。。。
不然我也不爽 。。。

走啦 。。。
去sRi rampai 的 old toWn 坐一下啦 。。
椅子坐烧了我们就回来咯 。。。。
走啦喂 。。
走啦 。。。


所以没有跟他喝茶了 。。。
但是根本没想过怎样变瘦 。。。
哈哈哈 。。

于是 。。。
我们走吧 。。。
去喝杯巧克力牛奶溫的回来就好水一点吗对不对 ?
没有不对, 对吗?

走啦 。。
反正我今晚又钓不到鱼 。。
chiCkEn piE 喔 。。

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

my SwEet old fRiEnd ...

Hi .. tOday .. i'm gOing tO intRoduCe my friEnd to yAll ..
hEr nAme iS sAmanthA ..
oR aBu .. aBusAm .. i dOno whEre thAt aBu came fRom ..
haha ..
bUt anyhOw ..
lEt mE tEll yAll bOut hEr ..
shE's bAsically vEry chEerfUl ..
vEry kind ..
vEry spOrtinG ..
nOt vEry fat ...
bUt i wOnt sAy sLim cOz sHe alwAyS diSagrEe bOut it ..
vEry sOciable .. cAn dRink bEer aNd sEmbanG whOle nitE with hEr yOoOo !!
shE's soMe oNe thAt mOst giRlS envy sOmetimEs ..
hahaha ..
shE mAkEs gOod friEndS with a lot of pEople includinG mE ..
i knEw hEr foR almOst 5 yEarS i aSsumE ..
rEally glad thAt we still kEepinG in tOuch aNd sO gOod gOod fRiEndS tOgethEr ..
hehe ..
anywAy ..
sHe'S prEtty ayE ??

wOw .. pRetty wOr .. tUdioh ..
if fUll maRks 5 maRks i givE 6 mArkS leh ..
oiyOk !
bUt shE sayS shE sinGle neh ..
it'S like mE tellinG u gUyS thAt i lovE tO liSteN 张栋良 sOngs ..
hahaha ..

lEng lUi leh ..
sO 'in' ..
pheeuuuuwwwiit ..

bUt ..
leNg lUi oSo cAn bEcOmE cUte leh ..
let mE tEach u hOw ..
hahaha ..
leaRn fRom thE piCs bEloW yah ..

hEr eyEs !!!
my eyEs !!!
my eyEs !!!
hEr eyEs arE huRting my eyEs !!!!!

i jUs cAnt stOp lAuGhinG !!!!!!!!!!
hahaha ..
dOn blAme mE ..
evEn hEr sistEr iS laUghinG wEi ..
hahaha ..

omG !!
sO cUte !! hahaha ..
i prEfEr eating hEr fAce than the KFC behinD ..
hahahahaha ...
wanna cUbit hEr fAcE d ...
thiS onE full mArk 5 maRks i giVe 50 mArkS !!!
hahaha ...

lol anyway ...
yOu're tOo kind and sPortinG to lEt mE poSt uR 'frOggy' piCs in my blog ..
haha ..
u gOt lOts of coNfidEncE thEre ..
kekeke ..
i bEt it'll chEer a lOt ppl up ..
aNd inspirEs thEm maybE ..
uR piCs actuAlly rEmindS mE tO bE cOmfOrtable and confidEnt bOut whO wE aRe ..
haha ..
anyhOw nO hard fEelinGs yAh ..
if u upsEt i will dEletE thiS poSt ..
haha bUt likEly i wOnt cOz u likEly wOnt upsEt ..
hahahaha ...
tAke cAre my fRen ..
aNd ermm ..

btw, yOu alSo rEminded mE bOut thiS fRog i fiSh in fiSh-a-fiSh in fAceBoOk ..

hahahaha ...
cUte nia ..
lol hAppy alwAyS yAh ~~

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tee, Tea or jUst "T" ?

T fOr tolonGG ..
T fOr thinkinG ..
T fOr tUa pUi ......... wAh .. :D no la no la ..
T fOr 她 ...
T foR T.T ...

miSsing sOmeone and sOmethinG riGht nOw ..
T.T ..

lOsing my sOoniE a bit hUrtS ..
cOz i gOt a lot meSsaGeS inSide thAt i wAn tO kEep ..
a lOt piCs thAt i wAnnA lOok at befOre slEep ..
vidEoS thAt i alwayS lAughed at ...
meSsagEs thAt mEant a lOt ..
piCs that captivatEd me ...
my dEarly fReNs' cOntaCtS ..

geeee .. nEver thOught my phOne wAs SO SO SO impoRtant to mE ..
i sOmehoW misSed it ..
geeee ...
never thoUght that could happEn to mE ...
i'm nOt that sAd loSing my pHonE ..
it wAs wat inside thAt mattErs the mOst ..
T.T ..

i wan thOse meSsagEs and piCs bek ..

T.T ...

gOt my hensem piCs somE moRe inSide ..
what if thEy pUt it oN gAy pOrn wEbsitE ..

i lOve giRl oNe la .. ( the wOrd giRl witHout "s" indicating singular, only 1 )
latEr gOt gAy fliRt with me hOw ?
nOw adi gOt onE gAy fRen ..
maybe he will put extra effOrt on mE aftEr seeing my fAce in gAy poRno wEbsite..

T.T ...

i dOnt lOvE gUyS or ah kuA wEi ..
i lOve giRl only .. ( no "s" )

T.T ..

dAmn ..
i lOSt more than jUst a handpHonE ..

T.T ..

Friday, August 14, 2009

KiKi aNd whAywhAy tua

fAcebOokinG kar?
dOn fArm and fiSh or sElling frEns thEre laaa ..
coMe i gOt stOry to tEll if u boRinG ..
yEstErday ..
i cElEbratEd my frEnS bdAy luuuuu ~~
oNe iS whay whaY .. oNe iS yukiKiki ..
aiyEr .. happy nia ..
likE my bdAy only ..
haha ..
siCk of thE dininG plAcEs arOund kl ..
sO i sUggeSted my fRenS to gO somewhEre rEally spEcial ..

eh eh .. FullhOuSe wEi ..

it'S in kElana jAyA .. nOe ma?
sOmEwhEre called thE cOw+cAr+watEr ..
if u dOno sOli la ..
gUa pun xerti nAk habAk la ..
ni kebahagiaan keNa cAri sEndiRi la ..
huhu ..
okEh .. jAdi ..
i meAn .. sO ..
enJoy thE grEat mOmEntS cApturEd by my ..
SoooonniE a/l ErikSen k810 ..

a lOt cUstomErS enjOying.. gOt "qiu qian" tO plAy oSo de ..
sEe .. tHe cOuple swEet nia ..

gOt wEddinG gOing on ...

dari pEndapat sAya .. pEngAruh barat sEcara tidAk lAngSung
tElah mEmpEngaruhi budaya kita ..

mini kUpEr .. GB gang bAng gReat bRitain !!
o hEy o hEy o hEy !!

niCe plACe ... ^^

niCe giRl ..^@^

niCe fOod ..^^

hmmm hmmm !!!

dOn hAte mE if u fEelinG hunGry ritE nOw .. hahaha ^^

they madE up 1/4 of my lifE ..

woot woot !! bEauty and the bEast birthday!!!!
BluR fAcE CCW.. i mEan see his fAcE ..
bLur la .. qUality blur ..haha .. CCW = Cute Cute Whay ..

blUr fAce yUki .. thE cAke hO chiAk wEi !!
CCW 22 yRs old .. hAha oldEr than uS .. :p

bAjA hitam !! hoik hoik !! haha ..

Mona LisA ...tOok mE 16 yEarS to dRaw thiS piC ..
haha .. u tirEd oR not thE spEc lOokS hEavy fOr u .. :P
lOvE thiS piC wEi.. stylO wEi ..

hi yUki ! hi pUiwAh !
cAmwhOrinG .. cUtE .. XD

hae hae .. a simplE prEsEnt thAt SuitS a lot wEi ... !!

wiShing ur birthdAy cOming sOon oso ritE aftEr seeinG thiS blOg hoR?
haha don wOrry la ..
sUrE got dE ..

hee hee hee ..
eh eh ..
gOt a vidEo tOo ..
mAke sUre ur pArEntS arE not aRound beFore u play thE vidEo, noe ma?
loCk uR rOom dOor fiRst yAh ..
the cOntEnt of the vidEo ..
it'S 18+ dE ...

bUt !! ... it'S only fOr 25 yEarS and bElow tOo.. (18 < X < 25)
haha ..
dOn sEe 18+ nia think of japanEse and PamEla AndErSon yah ..
dOn think sEngEt la ..
cliCk thE 'play' bUtton nOw..

lol suh-weeeeeeeeeeeeeet ~~ !!
by thE way if u notiCed in thE vidEo .. at 0:01 onwaRds thE 'yOoooOoo" vOice wAs fRoM CCW ..
sExy ritE ...
hahaha ...
hOpe evEryone's happy thAt nitE ..
aNd alSo u gUyS whO jUs rEad thiS poSt ..
again ..
hieeeeppiE birthdAy tO yUki and cHonG cHer whAy!!


Saturday, August 1, 2009

作文(一) : 完成故事

“上个星期四, 当我跟其生在回家路途时 。。 突然! 我们都很饿 。。。 ”

试以你所经历的经验,完成以上的故事 。。 您的作文需达到50字以上 。。

上个星期四, 当我跟其生在回家路途时 。。 突然!我们都很饿 。。 
于是, 我们决定了去Sri Rampai夜市打包食物 。。
有卖鱼,虾,螃蟹,沙爹,鸡饭(马来版), 台湾香肠,臭腐, 鸡龙肉米粉草莓云吞面东炎狗肉等等 。。

大慨半小时后 。。。 我们都满载而归。。

有马来鸡饭,(不懂是马肉还是鸡肉),有沙爹,(30串才rm10).. 够力便宜。。
有kebab, 有豪华经济饭 。。有murtabak。。我的最爱 。。

妈的。。 酱大片怎样吃噢 。。
算了。。 Edwin很听话, 所以我给了他剩下的鸡骨吃 。。

童年与马来朋友爱吃的食物 。。。吃这个后总会跟他们骑脚车很远的 。。。

看我的sideburn指哪里就懂哪里有东西好吃啦 !!

尤稳。。 上次露宝。。现在露点 。。
生病吃饭 。。 希望没有酱快露灵魂 。。

很猛的鸡。。 鸡。。。 鸡劈。。

吃就厉害啦 。。。 整天就是会吃罢了。。
没有看到我吃pun 。。

重伤喂写华文 。。。 够力难。。。
现在“超急”累 。。但是又要出去吃了 。。。

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

5 minutes to midnight

THINGS TO DO EVERYDAY .. (weekends excluded)

- online.. go facebook .. farmers everywhere ..

- msn ..see who got new PM .. see who online ..

- go eat dinner with housemates .. danau kota/genting klang/wangsa maju ..

- supper at melati curry house .. nasi goreng cendawan+ air suam ---> rm4

- take fresh air .. M.M, P.M, S.M ..

- go blog see got new post or not .. if u are like me u will be flattered to see this post..

- think of wat to do tomorrow .. which comes back to another same day tomorrow..

- watch yahoo news .. youtube .. *color*tube .. ( this one once in a while) ... and craps like wikipedia .. a lot surprises there ..

- do revision ( nex week onwards)

- walking aimlessly in the house ..

- webcam with sen .. ( once and for all)

- play with yeoh woen's microphone ( occasionally )

- play guitar .. who wants to listen "Funeral of Hearts - H.I.M" acoustic version can come over ..

- listen to Metallica , Joanna Wang( just recently) and all my favourite songs ..

- observe MRR2 traffic flow .. peak hour traffic jam is 5.30pm ..

- "you spin me right round baby right round " ...

- yamcha at night if got company .. old town Tmn Melati/Tmn Sri Rampai/PV 10

- thinking of buying a normal chair to save my backbone ..

- planning where to work on holidays .. "Symphony" sounds good for the moment .. bye2 TopshOp paviliOn..

- waiting for weekends ..

eh !!.. 我好像忙pun嘛 ..

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

一二三。。 一起喊 。。

今天是拜三 。。。

不是拜山 。。。

所以 。。

你们准备好了没有 ??

来 。。

一 。。。

二 。。。

三 。。。

深呼吸 !!!

我们一起喊 !!!!

啊 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!

你有喊吗 ?

有的话 。。。

请你少看香港戏 。。。

不要学香港人酱多啦 。。。

他们爱对着山喊 。。。

才来在连续剧里因为土崩而车祸 。。。

我们静静吃椰浆饭就好 。。。

其实 。。


我们今天一起去对麦格风喊 。。

有兴趣可以联络我 。。

Sunday, July 19, 2009

hOw tO cOok a gOod SundAy

wAke up eArly in thE mOrninG ..
gEt wAstEd in uR bEd fOr 10 minS ..

whEn yOu fEel uR eYeS arE rEady tO oPen ..
rUb yOur eYeS until it'S sMooth ..
mAke sUre thiS iS dOne pRopErly fOr bEttEr fEel ..

thEn ..
tEll yOurself : " what a niCe weathEr toDay !! ahh fUn to bE alivE !! "
at thiS pOint u will fEel reAlly gOod ..
tAke a dEep brEath and stretCh ur bOdy fOr a tEndEr tExtUre ..
thEn ..
cLoSe yOur eYeS back aNd cOntiNue slEepinG ..

nOw thAt's a grEat sUnday !!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

InSidE thE Egg sHell lieS thE Egg Yolk

tOday ..

i'm nOt hoMe all day lOng ..

it'S sO tiRinG ..

i'm nOt happy ...

i jUs ...

fEel a lOtz lOtz of 幸福 ..

yeehehe ..

that mAttErs the mOst ...


Sunday, July 5, 2009

pUffS ... nOt cReam pUffS ..

cAn wE ..

stArt all oVer agaiN ?

likE hOw wE mEt on the fiRst dAy ??

likE i dOn evEn nOe ur nAme and u dOn evEn noE minE ??

likE i'm still havinG my lOng lOng hair with glAssEs ...

whilE u still fiGuRing whO thE hEll i am ..

cAn wE ??

i gOt a loT of thinGs i kEpt inSidE thAt i'd likE tO sAy to yOu ..

cAn wE ??

"i wAs lOst bAc thEn ..

nOw i'm fOund ..

evEr sincE u've bEen arOund .."

sO ..

cAn wE ??

Saturday, July 4, 2009

edWin lOvEs hiS biRthdAy

tOday ... i mEan yEstErday ..
wAs 4th of jUly ..
aNd i'm nOt gOnna tAlk aboUt aMericAn indEpedEncE dAy ..
i dOn giVe a shit bOut thAt ..
whAt matter the mOst ..
iS ... err .. edwin tan yee zen's bday a.k.a ed-dwin ... 老千.. ah tan .. or ***** tan ..
we wErE frEnS for 12 yeArS .. aint that lOng huh ..
aint it lOng??
it wAs hiS f*****G .. i mEan fAscinAtinG 21st bDAy .. !! (hE lOvEs vulgAry)
hE thAnkEd uS .. i mEan trEated uS wiTh a mEal in T.G.I FridAyS pAvilion sUck-bAll bRanCh ...

stRawbErry ..damn jUs cant recall the nAme ..
niCe thOugh ..
but nOw couGh likE kok kok 鸡 ..

大盘虾板面 ..
rm29.90 ..
因为是在拜五吃 ..

pEn ... err..
Kenn... no no ..
ahh foRgot the name la ..
it'S an indiAn smEll fiSh ...
nOt sO niCe ..skEtchy flavOur ..
with thE new speCieS vEgE insiDe ...

eh eh ..
eh eh ..
dOn kEh si kEh si ..
sEn wAs happiEr thAn ed-dwin i guEss ..

aN empty plAtE ..
with sOmE emptY thOughtS pOppin' ..
empty stoMach ..
empty wOrdS ..

sO thiS iS uS ..
aftEr all thEsE yeArS ..
thiS iS wAt u'll gEt ..

dAmn i reAlly dOn liKe tO takE piCs whEn i'm nOt rEady ..
anyhOw thAt wAs sOme keN-dinG-a-dOng fiSh in my mOuth ..
with sOme beEr .. yEa .. i cAn rEmembEr thAt ..

yA pEng ..u lOokEd pRetty in thiS piC ..
dOn fEel guilty la dRinkinG bEer ..
gOod bEer mAkeS gOod fReNs and gOod fReNs mAke bEer gOod ..
sEe chAi linG .. jUs sEe it fOr uRself ..
sEe ??

as a cOnclusioN ...
toDay iS 5th oF july adi ..
thAnk yOu ed-dwin ..
happy bdAy .. !!

P.S : damn u'Re my f****** hOusemAte .. nOthinG mUch tO say .. haha thX dudE happy swEet 21st f****** bdAy ... frEnS fOr lifE ..

Thursday, July 2, 2009

mOnk eAtinG meAt

it'S bEen a lonG while i nEver fElt thiS way ..
it'S soMethinG that yOu fEel bUt u hAvE nowherE to shOw it ..
it haS alwAys been thiS way ..
sinCe ovEr a thOusand dayS agO ..
yOu tRy to clEan tHoSe trAckS frOm yOur bAck bUt thOse trAckS somEhoW cOming fRom the fRont..
a fiSh kEeps swimming ..
and swimming ...
and swimming ...
and swimming ...
and swimming ...
and swimming ...
and swimming ...
thinkinG thAt this is whAt thEy are mEant to dO ..
instEad of lOokinG fOr a plaCe to hidE..
a shElter fOr sUrvival ..
thEy are sO cOnvinCed abOut the wAy thEy livEd ..
aNd dO thinGs likE wat otHerS fiShes are doinG ..
sOmethinG thAt shOuld not be foRgotten werE loSt in thOse fiSheS ..
who wAntS tO livE like a fiSh ..
fReEdom doEsnt meAn anythinG fOr thOSe fiSheS ..
nOthinG iS wOrthy fOr thOse fiShes bEsidEs sEaweed and plAnktoNs ..
thEy WerE lOSt ..
why cOuldnt thEy juSt stop swimminG fOr a sEcond ..
and wOndEr bOut' thinGs that rEally mAttErs?
kEep rUnninG fRom biGger fiShes ..
kEep sWimming with frEns in a gRoup tO rEduCe thE riSk oF gEttinG cONsumEd by pRedatoRs ..
kEep thinkinG thAt thEy dOn wAnna diE ..
thE mOre frenS thEy hAve thE thiCkeR chAncE thEy cOuld sUrvivE..
gEt wat i'm sAyinG ?
well ..
u wOnt..
thAt'S thE thinG ..
my mEdicine maY blEed sOmeoNe ..
my knifE maY reliEve uR itCh ..
my sWeetS may be bittEr ..
bUt ..
ur mEdicinE sUrely heAls mE..
ur knifE suRely hUrts mE ..
and ur sweetS will always bE suh-Weeeet ..

Suh-wEeeeeeeet !!
suh - ..... Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet !!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


你的自尊会不会被耻辱淹没 。。


Tuesday, June 16, 2009











Saturday, June 6, 2009

心情佳 。。 搬了家 。。

又再失眠了 。。
所以又有新的blog 。。
上个礼拜我与猪朋狗友搬了家 。。
有喜有悲 。。。
喜的 。。
大家都应该了解 。。
悲的是 。。
我不得再嗅旧邻居煮的菜肴了 。。
今天进入了第三晚在新家过夜 。。
感觉上像有了一个新的好朋友 。。
我非常满意我现在新的房间 。。
房间里的每一寸都让我眼睛看了很舒服 。。

看起来很像旧的房间 。。

是一件好事来的 。。

每天八点太阳公公偷窥我睡觉的死样子 。。
给我带来了一献新希望 。。
令我感到很幸福 。。
前晚六点睡 。。
太阳公公照样八点跟我打招呼 。。

本来不打算六点睡的 。。
可是我的好友陈以谦 爱搞惊喜 。。
他把他的粉红吉他啦 。。 可爱laptop 。。 hellokitty桌灯啦 。。
全部装在一个插头 。。就一个插头而已 。。 容易吗酱对不对 。。
(他是quantity survey 。。 不能怪他 。。)
家跳电了 。。
弄得家黑暗如我另一个好友刘蹲酸 。。 哎呀不知道他华文名啦 。。
第一次还可以开回电 。。
好彩 。。
竟然第一次没有事 。。
所以陈以谦就试第二次 。。
(再次请大家原谅他, 他是quantity survey 的, 不能怪他
因为往往有第一次, 就要有第二次嘛 。。
有第二次, 就要有第三次嘛 。。
一开,又如预料中的 再跳电了 。。
陈以谦就对自己说 哎呀, 刚才能开回电, 现在也能啦,才第二次,反正还有第三次啦 。。一样的啦 。。
(请大家原谅他 !!!!! 当着我跪下来吧 。。
真知 。。 真知 。。唉不知要骂什么好 。。 算了 。。
就开不回电了 。。
fuse断了 。。
我们第一个晚上就酱停电过夜 。。
这是当晚的情形 。。
心情实在是 。。 算了, 又骂不出 。。
感觉像看到印度人后踏到粪, 然后跌倒吃到泥土, 然后被过路人踩几下 。。

还好隔天早上有好风景看 。。

就没有想酱多了 。。
不错leh 。。

再看看晚上的 。。
哈哈 。。
来住跟我啦 。。
不用羡慕的 。。

搬家的过程中, 为了要偷偷骂人, 我们各自都带了一个口罩 。。

还没搬完家 。。
明天还要搬家 。。 心情佳!